January 11, 2025
Mike Agerter Memorial Invite
Wrestling at Urbana High SchoolCurrent Weather at
Urbana High School
At least one of our participating teams in the Mike Agerter Memorial is unable to practice today due school closing. Therefore, with the 2 lb growth allowance and an additional 1 lb allowance due to the inability to practice today, maximum weights on Saturday will be scratch weight +3 pounds.
With the weather advisory and snow expected, the tournament committee made some decisions to help the Mike Agerter Memorial Tournament hopefully still run and allow it to stay as full as possible. These decisions were discussed within the program, as well as with advice from those who have been in a similar situation.
Saturday morning weigh-ins will move to 10 AM (9:30 scales open), with wrestling beginning at Noon. The doors will officially open at 9 AM. Teams still arriving late to weigh-ins but still before wrestling commences will still be weighed in IF COMMUNICATION OCCURS to our Meet Director, Ryan Pine.
This site was updated January 11, 2025